Fart Party vol 1

The Fart Party, Vol 1 (Atomic Books 2007). This edition is forever out of print but can be seen in in full in Museum of Mistakes: The Fart Party Collection, which you can buy  directly from me. All books come signed/doodled with various choices of extras like prints and hand drawn panels.

The Fart Party Vol 1 is my first collection of comics, published by Atomic Books in 2007. It includes stories about my childhood, a relationships beginning, middle and end, living in San Francisco, my (current) love of cheese and (past) love of booze, getting dumped, being a jackass, etc…all the stuff the kids get up to in their early 20’s, plus a longer comic by my older brother about my unfortunate high school Gn’R obsession. Foreword by Peter Bagge.

(Disclaimer: This book is super old and made back when certain words were not considered derogatory, like retard and fag, so I apologize for any offensive language used within.)

Here are some samples, and if you like em, buy the full collection this September!